Sunday, February 14, 2010



OKAY! Now that we're back, let's start here...

So you're asking, what is BIOLOGY? Well... Here's our best definition. Biology is the study of LIFE and the changes that take place with and around all living things. And don't just think we mean Earth. The study of biology covers every planet and object in the Universe.

In the same way everything on Earth is made up of atoms, everything that is alive on Earth is made up of cells. An entire living thing can be one cell or it can be billions. Most cells on Earth have similar pieces and parts. Let's get started and look inside cell structure. Go take a look!


Start with a simple question like why do spiders spin webs.Learning about the scientific method is almost like saying that you are learning how to learn. You see, the scientific method is the way scientists learn and study the world around them. It can be used to study anything from a leaf to a dog to the entire Universe.

The basis of the scientific method is asking questions and then trying to come up with the answers. You could ask, "Why do dogs and cats have hair?" One answer might be that it keeps them warm. BOOM! It's the scientific method in action. (OK, settle down.)


Just about everything starts with a question. Usually, scientists come up with questions by looking at the world around them. "Hey look! What's that?" See that squiggly thing at the end of the sentence? A question has been born.

So you've got a scientist. When scientists see something they don't understand they have some huge urge to answer questions and discover new things. It's just one of those scientist personality traits. The trick is that you have to be able to offer some evidence that confirms every answer you give. If you can't test your answer, other scientists can't test it to see if you were right or not.

You must always offer proof for your statements in science.As more questions are asked, scientists work hard and come up with a bunch of answers. Then it is time to organize. One of the cool things about science is that other scientists can learn things from what has already been established. They don't have to go out and test everything again and again. That's what makes science special: it builds on what has been learned before.

This process allows the world to advance, evolve, and grow. All of today's advancements are based on the achievements of scientists who already did great work. Think about it this way: you will never have to show that water (H2O) is made up of one oxygen (O) and two hydrogen (H) atoms. Many scientists before you have confirmed that fact. It will be your job as a new scientist to take that knowledge and use it in your new experiments.


Process of Scientific MethodExperimental evidence is what makes all of theobservations and answers in science valid(truthful or confirmed). The history of evidence and validations show that the original statements were correct and accurate. It sounds like a simple idea, but it is the basis of all science. Statements must be confirmed with loads of evidence. Enough said.

Scientists start with observations and then make ahypothesis (a guess), and then the fun begins. They must then prove their hypothesis with trials and tests that show why their data and results are correct. They must use controls, which are quantitative (based on values and figures, not emotions). Science needs both ideas (the hypothesis) and facts (the quantitative results) to move forward. Scientists can then examine their data and develop newer ideas. This process will lead to more observation and refinement of hypotheses.


There are different terms used to describe scientific ideas based on the amount of confirmed experimental evidence.

- a statement that uses a few observations
- an idea based on observations without experimental evidence
- uses many observations and has loads of experimental evidence
- can be applied to unrelated facts and new relationships
- flexible enough to be modified if new data/evidence introduced
- stands the test of time, often without change
- experimentally confirmed over and over
- can create true predictions for different situations
- has uniformity and is universal

You may also hear about the term "model." A model is a scientific statement that has some experimental validity or is a scientific concept that is only accurate under limited situations. Models do not work or apply under all situations in all environments. They are not universal ideas like a law or theory.


Cells are the Starting Point

Structure of generic animal cellAll living organisms on Earth are divided in pieces called cells. There are smaller pieces to cells that include proteins andorganelles. There are also larger pieces called tissues andsystems. Cells are small compartments that hold all of the biological equipment necessary to keep an organism alive and successful on Earth.

A main purpose of a cell is to organize. Cells hold a variety of pieces and each cell has a different set of functions. It is easier for an organism to grow and survive when cells are present. If you were only made of one cell, you would only be able to grow to a certain size. You don't find single cells that are as large as a cow. Also, if you were only one cell you couldn't have a nervous system, no muscles for movement, and using the internet would be out of the question. The trillions of cells in your body make your life possible.

One Name, Many Types

Animal and plant cells

There are many types of cells. In biology class, you will usually work with plant-likecells and animal-like cells. We say animal-like because an animal type of cell could be anything from a tiny microorganism to a nerve cell in your brain. Plant cells are easier to identify because they have a protective structure called a cell wall made of cellulose. Plants have the wall; animals do not. Plants also have organelles like the chloroplast(the things that make them green) or large water-filled vacuoles.

Different types of animal cells

We said that there are many types of cells. Cells are unique to each type of organism.Humans may have hundreds of types of cells. Some cells are used to carry oxygen (O2) through the blood (red blood cells) and others might be specific to the heart. If you look at very simple organisms, you will discover cells that have no defined nucleus (prokaryotes) and other cells that have hundreds of nuclei (multinucleated). The thing they all have in common is that they are compartments surrounded by some type ofmembrane.


Cell Membranes

Cell membrane is like a plastic bagWe have been talking about cells being a unit of organization in biology. Let's look at the cell membrane and see how that membrane keeps all of the pieces inside. When you think about a membrane, imagine it is like a big plastic bag with some tiny holes. That bag holds all of the cell pieces and fluids inside the cell and keeps any nasty things outside the cell. The holes are there to let some things move in and out of the cell.

Flexible Containers

The cell membrane is not one solid piece. Everything in life is made of smaller pieces and a membrane is no different. Compounds called proteins and phospholipidsmake up most of the cell membrane. The phospholipids make the basic bag. The proteins are found around the holes and help move molecules in and out of the cell.

Cell membrane Fluid mosaic modelScientists describe the organization of the phospholipids and proteins with the fluid mosaic model. That model shows that the phospholipids are in a shape like a head and a tail. The heads like water (hydrophilic) and the tails do not like water (hydrophobic). The tails bump up against each other and the heads are out facing the watery area surrounding the cell. The two layers of cells are called the bilayer.

Ingrained in the Membrane

What about the membrane proteins? Scientists have shown that the proteins float in that bilayer. Some of them are found on the inside of the cell and some on the outside. Other proteins cross the bilayer with one end outside of the cell and one end inside. Those proteins that cross the layer are very important in the active transport of ions and small molecules.

Many Membranes

As you learn more about the organelles inside of the cell, you will find that most have a membrane. They do not have the same chemical makeup as the cell membrane. Each membrane is unique to the organelle. The membrane that surrounds a lysosome is different from the membrane around the endoplasmic reticulum. They are both different from the cell membrane.

Some organelles have two membranes. A mitochondrion has an outer and inner membrane. The outer membrane contains the mitochondrion parts. The inner molecule holds digestive enzymes that break down food. While we talk about membranes all the time, you should remember they all use a basic phospholipid bilayer, but have many other different parts.

Cell Wall - What's it for?

Cell wall diagramWhile cell membranes might be around every cell, cell walls made of cellulose are only found around plant cells. Cell wallsare made of specialized sugars called cellulose. Cellulose provides a protected framework for a plant cell to survive. It's like taking a water balloon and putting it in a cardboard box. The balloon is protected from the outside world. Cellulose is called a structural carbohydrate (complex sugar) because it is used in protection and support.

Cell walls also help a plant keep its shape. While they do protect the cells, cell walls and cellulose also allow plants to grow to great heights. While you have a skeleton to hold you up, a 100-foot tall redwood tree does not. It uses the strong cell walls to maintain its shape. For smaller plants, cell walls are slightly elastic. Wind can push them over and then they bounce back. Big redwoods need strength in high winds and sway very little (except at the top).

Another Hole in the Wall

Holes in the cell wallA cell wall is not a fortress around the delicate plant cell. There are small holes in the wall that let nutrients, waste, and ions pass through. Those holes are called plasmodesmata. These holes have a problem: water can also be lost. But even when the plant cell loses water, the basic shape is maintained by the cell walls. So if a plant is drooping because it needs water, it can recover when water is added. It will look just the same as when it started.

More Than Walls in Plants

You may hear about cell walls in other areas of biology. Bacteria also have a structure called a cell wall. Fungi and some ptotozoa also have cell walls. They are not the same. Only plant cell walls are made out of cellulose. The other walls might be made from proteins or a substance called chitin. They all serve the same purpose of protecting and maintaining structure, but they are very different molecules.

Cytoplasm - Filling Fluid

Cytoplasm is the fluid that fills a cell. Scientists used to call the fluid protoplasm. Early on, they didn't know about the many different types of fluids in the cell. There is special fluid in the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and nucleus. The only two 'plasms' left are cytoplasm (the fluid in the cell also called cytosol) andnucleoplasm (the fluid in the nucleus). Each of those fluids has a very different composition.

The cell organelles are suspended in the cytosol. You will learn that the microfilamentsand microtubules set up a "skeleton" of the cell and the cytosol fills the spaces. The cytoplasm has many different molecules dissolved in solution. You'll find enzymes, fatty acids, sugars, and amino acids that are used to keep the cell working. Waste products are also dissolved before they are taken in by vacuoles or sent out of the cell.

Special Fluids in the Nucleus

Nucleoplasm has a little different composition. Nucleoplasm can only be found inside of the nucleus. It doesn't have big organelles in suspension. The nucleoplasm is thesuspension fluid that holds the cell's chromatin and nucleolus. It is not always present in the nucleus. When the cell divides, the nuclear membrane dissolves and the nucleoplasm is released. After the cell nucleus has reformed, the nucleoplasm fills the space again.

More than Filling

The cytosol in a cell does more than just suspend the organelles. It uses its dissolvedenzymes to break down all of those larger molecules. The products can then be used by the organelles of the cell. Glucose may exist in the cytosol but the mitochondria can't use it for fuel. The cytosol has enzymes that break glucose down into pyruvatemolecules that are then sent to the mitochondria.

Cell Nucleus - Commanding the Cell

The cell nucleus acts like the brain of the cell. It helps control eating, movement, and reproduction. If it happens in a cell, chances are the nucleus knows about it. The nucleus is not always in the center of the cell. It will be a big dark spot somewhere in the middle of all of the cytoplasm (cytosol). You probably won't find it near the edge of a cell because that might be a dangerous place for the nucleus to be. If you don't remember, the cytoplasm is the fluid that fills cells.

Life Before a Nucleus

Not all cells have a nucleus. Biology breaks cell types into eukaryotic (those with a defined nucleus) and prokaryotic (those with no defined nucleus). You may have heard of chromatin and DNA. You don't need a nucleus to have DNA. If you don't have a defined nucleus, your DNA is probably floating around the cell in a region called thenucleoid. A defined nucleus that holds the genetic code is an advanced feature in a cell.

Important Materials in the Envelope

Structure of the nucleusThe things that make a eukaryotic cell are a defined nucleus and other organelles. The nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus and all of its contents. The nuclear envelope is a membrane similar to the cell membrane around the whole cell. There are pores and spaces for RNA and proteins to pass through while the nuclear envelope keeps all of the chromatin and nucleolus inside.

Chromatin condensing into chromosomesWhen the cell is in a resting state there is something called chromatin in the nucleus. Chromatin is made of DNA, RNA, and nuclear proteins. DNA and RNAare the nucleic acids inside of the cell. When the cell is going to divide, the chromatin becomes very compact. It condenses. When the chromatin comes together, you can see the chromosomes. You will also find the nucleolus inside of the nucleus. When you look through a microscope, it looks like a nucleus inside of the nucleus. It is made of RNA and protein. It does not have much DNA at all.

Chromosomes - Pull up Those Genes

Chromosomes are the things that make organisms what they are. They carry all of the information used to help a cell grow, thrive, and reproduce. Chromosomes are made up of DNA. Segments of DNA in specific patterns are called genes. Your genes make you who you are. You will find the chromosomes and genetic material in the nucleus of a cell. In prokaryotes, DNA floats in the cytoplasm in an area called the nucleoid.

Loose and Tight

Chromosomes are not always visible. They usually sit around uncoiled and as loose strands called chromatin. When it is time for the cell to reproduce, they condense and wrap up very tightly. The tightly wound DNA is the chromosome. Chromosomes look kind of like long, limp, white hot dogs. They are usually found in pairs.

Completing the Sets

Scientists count individual strands of chromosomes. They count individuals not every organism has pairs. You probably have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs). Peas only have 12. A dog has 78. The number of chromosomes is NOT related to the intelligence or complexity of the creature. There is a crayfish with 200 chromosomes. Does that make a crayfish five times smarter or more complex than you are? No. There are even organisms of the same species with different numbers of chromosomes. You will often find plants of the same species with multiple sets of chromosomes.

Chromosomes work with other nucleic acids in the cell to build proteins and help in cell division. You will most likely find mRNA in the nucleus with the DNA. tRNA is found outside of the nucleus in the cytosol. When the chromosomes are visible, cells with two complete sets of chromosomes are called diploids (46 in a human). Most cells are diploid. Cells with only one set (23 in a human) are called haploid cells. Haploids are most often found in cells involved in sexual reproduction such as a sperm or an egg. Haploid cells are created in cell division termed meiosis.

Centrioles - Organizing Chromosomes

Every animal-like cell has two small organelles called centrioles. They are there to help the cell when it comes time to divide. They are put to work in both the process ofmitosis and the process of meiosis. You will usually find them near the nucleus but they cannot be seen when the cell is not dividing. And what are centrioles made of?Microtubules.

Centriole Structure

A centriole is a small set of microtubules arranged in a specific way. There are nine groups of microtubules. When two centrioles are found next to each other, they are usually at right angles. The centrioles are found in pairs and move towards the poles (opposite ends) of the nucleus when it is time for cell division. During division, you may also see groups of threads attached to the centrioles. Those threads are called themitotic spindle.

Relaxing When There's no Work

We already mentioned that you would find centrioles near the nucleus. You will not see well-defined centrioles when the cell is not dividing. You will see a condensed and darker area of the cytoplasm called the centrosome. When the time comes for cell division, the centrioles will appear and move to opposite ends of the nucleus. During division you will see four centrioles. One pair moves in each direction.

Interphase is the time when the cell is at rest. When it comes time for a cell to divide, the centrioles duplicate. During prophase, the centrioles move to opposite ends of the nucleus and a mitotic spindle of threads begins to appear. Those threads then connect to the now apparent chromosomes. During anaphase, the chromosomes are split and pulled towards each centriole. Once the entire cell begins to split in telophase, the chromosomes begin to unravel and new nuclear envelopes begin to appear. The centrioles have done their job.

Ribosomes - Protein Construction Teams

Cells need to make proteins. Those proteins might be used as enzymes or as support for other cell functions. When you need to make proteins, you look for ribosomes.Ribosomes are the protein builders or the protein synthesizers of the cell. They are like construction guys who connect one amino acid at a time and build long chains.

Ribosomes floating and on rough endoplasmic reticulumRibosomes are found in many places around the cell. You might find them floating in the cytoplasm (cytosol). Those floating ribosomes make proteins that will be used inside of the cell. Other ribosomes are found on the endoplasmic reticulum. Endoplasmic reticulum with attached ribosomes is called rough. It looks bumpy under a microscope. Those attached ribosomes make proteins that will be used inside the cell and proteins made for export out of the cell.

Two Pieces Make the Whole

Ribosome subunitsA ribosome is not just one piece. There are two pieces or subunits. Scientists named them 60-S (large) and 40-S (small). When the cell needs to make protein, mRNA is created in the nucleus. The mRNA is then sent into the cell and the ribosomes. When it is time to make the protein, the two subunits come together and combine with the mRNA. The subunits lock onto the mRNA and start the protein synthesis.

The 60-S/ 40-S model works fine for eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells have ribosomes made of 50-S and 30-S subunits. It's a small difference, but one of many you will find in the two different types of cells. Scientists have used this difference in ribosome size to develop drugs that can kill prokaryotic microorganisms that cause disease.

Mixing and Matching Amino Acids

Ribosomes involved in protein construction

The process of making proteins is quite simple. We just explained that mRNA is made in the nucleus and sent into the cell. The mRNA then combines with the ribosome subunits. Another nucleic acid lives in the cell - tRNA, which stands for transfer RNA. tRNA is bonded to the amino acids floating around the cell. With the mRNA offering instructions, the ribosome connects to a tRNA and pulls off one amino acid. Slowly the ribosome makes a long amino acid chain that will be part of a larger protein.

Mitochondria - Turning on the Powerhouse

Mitochondria are known as the powerhouses of the cell. They are organelles that act like a digestive system that takes in nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy for the cell. The process of creating cell energy is known as cellular respiration. Most of the chemical reactions involved in cellular respiration happen in the mitochondria. A mitochondrion is shaped perfectly to maximize its efforts.

Mitochondria are very small organelles. You might find cells with several thousand mitochondria. The number depends on what the cell needs to do. If the purpose of the cell is to transmit nerve impulses, there will be fewer mitochondria than in a muscle cellthat needs loads of energy. If the cell feels it is not getting enough energy to survive, more mitochondria can be created. Sometimes they can even grow, move, and combine with other mitochondria, depending on the cell's needs.

Mitochondria Structure

Mitochondria simple structureMitochondria have two membranes (not one as in other organelles). The outer membrane covers the organelle and contains it. The inner membrane folds over many times (cristae). That folding increases the surface area inside the organelle. Many of the chemical reactions happen on the inner membrane of the mitochondria. The increased surface area allows the small organelle to do as much work as possible. If you have more room to work, you can get more work done. Similar surface area strategies are used by microvilli in your intestinal cells. The fluid inside of the mitochondria is called the matrix.

Using Oxygen to Release Energy

How are mitochondria used in cellular respiration? The matrix is filled with water (H2O) and proteins (enzymes). Those proteins take food molecules and combine them with oxygen (O2). The mitochondria are the only place in the cell where oxygen can be combined with the food molecules. After the oxygen is added, the material can be digested. They are working organelles that keep the cell full of energy.

A mitochondrion may also be involved in controlling the concentration of calcium (Ca) within the cell.

Chloroplasts - Show me the Green

Structure of a chloroplastChloroplasts are the food producers of the cell. They are only found in plant cells and some protists. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts. Every greenplant you see is working to convert the energy of the sun into sugars. Plants are the basis of all life on Earth. They create sugars, and the byproduct of that process is the oxygen that we breathe. That process happens in the chloroplast. Mitochondria work in the opposite direction and break down the sugars and nutrients that the cell receives.

Special Structures

Structure of thylakoid stackWe'll hit the high points for the structure of a chloroplast. Two membranes contain and protect the inner parts of the chloroplast. The stroma is an area inside of the chloroplast where reactions occur and starches (sugars) are created. Onethylakoid stack is called a granum. The thylakoids have chlorophyll molecules on their surface. That chlorophyll uses sunlight to create sugars. The stacks of sacs are connected by stromal lamellae. The lamellae act like the skeleton of the chloroplast, keeping all of the sacs a safe distance from each other and maximizing the efficiency of the organelle.

Making Food

Super basic process of photosynthesisThe purpose of the chloroplast is to make sugars and starches. They use a process called photosynthesis to get the job done. Photosynthesis is the process of a plant taking energy from the Sun and creating sugars. When the energy from the Sun hits a chloroplast, chlorophyll uses that energy to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). The molecular reactions create sugar and oxygen (O2). Plants and animals then use the sugars (glucose) for food and energy. Animals also use the oxygen to breathe.

Different Chlorophyll Molecules

We said that chlorophyll molecules sit on the outside of the thylakoid sacs. Not all chlorophyll is the same. Three types of chlorophyll can complete photosynthesis. There are even molecules other than chlorophyll that are photosynthetic. One day you might hear about carotenoids, phycocyanin (bacteria), phycoerythrin (algae), andfucoxanthin (brown algae). While those compounds might complete photosynthesis, they are not all green or the same structure as chlorophyll.

Endoplasmic Reticulum - Wrapping it Up

Another organelle in the cell is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). While the function of the nucleus is to act as the cell brain, the ER functions as a packaging system. It does not work alone. The ER works closely with the Golgi apparatus, ribososmes, RNA, mRNA, and tRNA. It creates a network of membranes found through the whole cell. The ER may also look different from cell to cell, depending on the cell's function.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Rough and Smooth

As you learn more about cells you will discover two types of ER. There are rough ER and smooth ER. They both have the same types of membranes but they have different shapes and rough ER has ribosomes attached. Rough ER looks like sheets of bumpy membranes while smooth ER looks more like tubes. Sometimes the ER looks like a flat balloon. Sacs of the ER called cisternaestore the complex molecules.

Smooth Endoplasmic ReticulumSmooth ER has its purpose in the cell. It acts as a storage organelle. It is important in the creation and storage of steroids. It also stores ions in solution that the cell may need at a later time. Steroids are a type of ringed organic molecule used for many purposes in an organism. They are not always about building muscle mass like a weight lifter. The ion storage is important because sometimes a cell needs ions fast. It might not want to search the environment for ions, so it is easier to have them stored in a pack for easy use.

Rough ER was mentioned in the section on ribosomes. They are very important in the synthesis and packaging of proteins. Some of those proteins might be used in the cell and some are sent out. The ribosomes are attached to the membrane of the ER. As the ribosome builds the amino acid chain, the chain is pushed into the ER. When the protein is complete, the rough ER pinches off a vesicle. That vesicle, a small membrane bubble, can move to the cell membrane or the Golgi apparatus.
Process of protein synthesis

Golgi Apparatus - Packing Things Up

The Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex is found in most cells. It is another packaging organelle like the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). It was named after Camillo Golgi, an Italian biologist. It is pronounced GOL-JI in the same way you would say squee-gie, as soft a "G" sound. While layers of membranes may look like the rough ER, they have a very different function.

Foundation of Vesicles

The Golgi complex gathers simple molecules and combines them to make molecules that are more complex. It then takes those big molecules, packages them in vesicles, and either stores them for later use or sends them out of the cell. It is also the organelle that builds lysosomes (cell digestion machines). Golgi complexes in the plant may also create complex sugars and send them off in secretory vesicles. The vesicles are created in the same way the ER does it. The vesicles are pinched off the membranes and float through the cell.

The Golgi complex is a series of membranes shaped like pancakes. The single membrane is similar to the cell membrane in that it has two layers. The membrane surrounds an area of fluid where the complex molecules (proteins, sugars, enzymes) are stored and changed. Because the Golgi complex absorbs vesicles from the rough ER, you will also find ribosomes in those pancake stacks.

Working with the Rough ER

Process of Golgi forming vesicles

The Golgi complex works closely with the rough ER. When a protein is made in the ER, something called a transition vesicle is made. This vesicle or sac floats through the cytoplasm to the Golgi apparatus and is absorbed. After the Golgi does its work on the molecules inside the sac, a secretory vesicle is created and released into the cytoplasm. From there, the vesicle moves to the cell membrane and the molecules are released out of the cell.

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Vacuoles - Storage Bins to the Cells

This plant might not look healthy, but it only needed some water.Vacuoles are storage bubbles found in cells. They are found in both animal and plant cells but are much larger in plant cells. Vacuoles might store food or any variety of nutrients a cell might need to survive. They can even store waste products so the rest of the cell is protected from contamination. Eventually, those waste products would be sent out of the cell.

The structure of vacuoles is fairly simple. There is a membrane that surrounds a mass of fluid. In that fluid are nutrients or waste products. Plants may also use vacuoles to store water. Those tiny water bags help to support the plant. They are closely related to objects called vesicles that are found throughout the cell.

In plant cells, the vacuoles are much larger than in animal cells. When a plant cell has stopped growing, there is usually one very large vacuole. Sometimes that vacuole can take up more than half of the cell's volume. The vacuole holds large amounts of water or food. Don't forge that vacuoles can also hold the plant waste products. Those waste products are slowly broken into small pieces that cannot hurt the cell. Vacuoles hold onto things that the cell might need, just like a backpack.

Helping with Support

Vacuoles help plants maintain structureVacuoles also play an important role in plant structure. Plants use cell walls to provide support and surround cells. The size of that cell may still increase or decrease depending on how much water is present. Plant cells do not shrink because of changes in the amount of cytoplasm. Most of a plant cell's volume depends on the material in vacuoles.

Those vacuoles gain and lose water depending on how much water is available to the plant. A drooping plant has lost much of its water and the vacuoles are shrinking. It still maintains its basic structure because of the cell walls. When the plant finds a new source of water, the vacuoles are refilled and the plant regains its structure.

Lysosomes - Little Enzyme Packages

Simple Structure of a lysosomeYou will find organelles called lysosomes in nearly every animal-like eukaryotic cell. Lysosomes hold enzymes that were created by the cell. The purpose of the lysosome is to digestthings. They might be used to digest food or break down the cell when it dies. What creates a lysosome? You'll have to visit theGolgi complex for that answer.

A lysosome is basically a specialized vesicle that holds a variety of enzymes. The enzyme proteins are first created in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Those proteins are packaged in a vesicle and sent to the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi then does its final work to create the digestive enzymes and pinches off a small, very specific vesicle. That vesicle is a lysosome. From there the lysosomes float in the cytoplasm until they are needed. Lysosomes are single-membrane organelles.

Lysosome Action

Digestion by lysosomesSince lysosomes are little digestion machines, they go to work when the cell absorbs or eats some food. Once the material is inside the cell, the lysosomes attach and release their enzymes. The enzymes break down complex molecules that can include complex sugars and proteins. But what if food is scarce and the cell is starving? The lysosomes go to work even if there is no food for the cell. When the signal is sent out, lysosomes will actually digest the cell organelles for nutrients.

Why Don't They Digest the Cell?

Here's something scientists are still trying to figure out. If the lysosome holds many types of enzymes, how can the lysosome survive? Lysosomes are designed to break down complex molecules and pieces of the cell. Why don't the enzymes break down the membrane that surrounds the lysosome?

The Littlest Organisms

Let's study the wee ones of the world known as the microbes or the microorganisms. If you spend your life studying them, you would be a microbiologist. These are the smallest of the small and the simplest of the simple. Some of them, like viruses, may not even be alive as we currently define life.

Images of Microbes

What is a Microbe?

What makes a microbe? We suppose you need a microscope to see them. That's about it. There is a huge variety of creatures in this section. They can work alone or in colonies. They can help you or hurt you. Most important fact is that they make up the largest number of living organisms on the planet. It helps to be that small. It's not millions, billions, or trillions. There are trillions of trillions of trillions of microbes around the Earth. Maybe more.

Calling all Microscopes

As with all of science, discovery in biology is a huge thing. While microbes likebacteria, fungi, some algae, and protozoa have always existed, scientists did not always know they were there. They may have seen a mushroom here or there, but there were hundreds of thousands of species to be discovered.

Most microscopes come with a variety of lenses for greater magnificationIt took one invention to change the way we see the world of microbes - the microscope. In 1673,Anton von Leeuwenhoek put a couple oflenses together and was able to see a completely new world. He made the first microscope. It wasn't that impressive, but it started a whole history of exploration. More important to us, scientists were eventually able to discover the cause and cure of many diseases.

Too Many to Count, Too Small to Find

We'll give the big overview on the variety of microorganisms here. There is no simple explanation of a microbe besides the fact that they are small. The list goes on. Just remember that there is a lot of variety going on here.

They can be heterotrophic or autotrophic. These two terms mean they either eat other things (hetero) or make food for themselves (auto). Think about it this way: plantsare autotrophic and animals are heterotrophic.

They can be solitary or colonial. A protozoan like an amoeba might spend its whole life alone, cruising through the water. Others, like fungi, work together in colonies to help each other survive.

They can reproduce sexually or asexually. Sometimes the DNA of two microbes mixes and a new one is created (sexual reproduction). Sometimes a microbe splits into two identical pieces by itself (asexual reproduction).


Amoeba sp.

- live in fresh water enviroment.
- does not have fix shape.

MOVING- 1.Extend temporary pseudopodia/false feet
2. The cytoplasm flows into the projected peudopodia.
3. Amoeba extend and move forward.

REPRODUCTION- Binary fission:Division of the cell (nucleus)

FEEDING-1. Feed by a process called phagocytosis.
2. Phagocytosis - A feeding process for amoeba in which it moves around the food and takes the food into the cytoplasm.



A paramecium is a small one celled (unicellular) living organism that can move, digest food, and reproduce. They belong to the kingdom of Protista, which is a group (family) of similar living micro-organisms. Micro-organism means they are a very small living cell. You might be able to see one as a tiny moving speck if your eyesight is extremely good but for any detail at all you need a microscope to look at and study them. They are about .02 inches long (.5mm). They are also famous for their predator-prey relationship with Didinium. Paramecium are known for their avoidance behavior. If an encounters a negative stimiulus, it is capable of rotating up to 360 degrees to find an escape route. Didinium are heterotrophic organisms. They only have one type of prey; the much larger cilate Paramecium. When aDidinium finds a Paramecium, it ejects poison darts (trichocysts) and attachment lines. The Didinium then proceeds to engulf its prey. Although Paramecium are larger than they are, Didinium are voracious eaters and will be ready to hunt for another meal after only a few hours.


The paramecium is an oval, slipper shaped micro-organism, rounded at the front/top and pointed at the back/bottom. The pellicle, a stiff but elastic membrane that gives the paramecium a definite shape but allows some small changes. Covering the pellicle are many tiny hairs, called cilia. On the side beginning near the front end and continuing half way down is the oral groove. The rear opening is called the anal pore. The contractile vacuole and the radiating canals are also found on the outside of a paramecium. Inside the paramecium is cytoplasm, trichocysts, the gullet, food vacuoles, the macronucleus, and the micronucleus. Study the drawing below


The paramecium swims by beating the cilia. The paramecium moves by spiraling through the water on an invisible axis. For the paramecium to move backward, the cilia simply beat forward on an angle. If the paramecium runs into a solid object the cilia change direction and beat forward, causing the paramecium to go backward. The paramecium turns slightly and goes forward again. If it runs into the solid object again it will repeat this process until it can get past the object.


Paramecium feed on microorganisms like bacteria, algae, and yeasts. The paramecium uses its cilia to sweep the food along with some water into the cell mouth after it falls into the oral groove. The food goes through the cell mouth into the gullet. When there is enough food in it so that it has reached a certain size it breaks away and forms a food vacuole. The food vacuole travels through the cell, through the back end first. As it moves along enzymes from the cytoplasm enter the vacuole and digest it. The digested food then goes into the cytoplasm and the vacuole gets smaller and smaller. When the vacuole reaches the anal pore the remaining undigested waste is removed. Paramecium may eject trichocyts when they detect food, in order to better capture their prey. These trichocyts are filled with protiens. Trichocysts can also be used as a method of self-defense. Paramecium are heterotrophs. Their common form of prey is bacteria. A single organism has the ability to eat 5,000 bacteria a day. They are also known to feed on yeasts, algae, and small protozoa. Paramecium capture their prey through phagocytosis.


Paramecium are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction is the most common, and this is accomplished by the organism dividing transversely. The macronucleus elongates and splits. Under ideal conditions, Paramecium can reproduce asexually two or three times a day. Normally, Paramecium only reproduce sexually under stressful conditions. This occurs via gamete agglutination and fusion. Two Paramecium join together and their respective micronuclei undergo meiosis. Three of the resulting nuceli disintegrate, the fourth undergoes mitosis. Daughter nuclei fuse and the cells separate. The old macronucleus disintegrates and a new one is formed. This process is usually followed by asexual reproduction.


-The cell performing a specific function for a larger organ or tissue

Multicellular organisms

-organism which consist of more than 1 cell.

Cell organisation


P/S: Notes from

1 comment:

  1. did you copy this from or they copied it from you because the lysosome thing is absolutely the same
